A beautifull photo from Flickr!

I like this photo, because is my best city in world..Amsterdam rullzzz..! :D

Photo by: Dennis Koomen

Something about Internet ( www, @ ) + me

I started to use internet when I was 17 years old boy. My first touch, click was amazing... there was something big..bigger then me, bigger then my brain.

First I used it in secondary school for taking information (to research information for homework and projects), then I realized, I can do more than this. I opend my first email acount and I used it to write e-mails to my friends around Slovenia..this was easy for me..and everything was started..my life on internet.

Now I can't work, study, have fun without internet. You can get all kind of stuff on it. I think that people are using the Internet more and more. Soo we can't live without it. We must use it, but be careful.

My life in SPORT part 1

Here I am! I am 23 years old (almost 24 at 29/12/1983) and I give 15 years of my life in Sport, exactly in table tennis.

I was started when I was a little boy, nine years old in city Nova Gorica(Slovenia) for a club NTK GORICA. We have training every day in Vrtojba - soo every day is a table tennis day for me and is not easy. Very dificult is bacause you have to be prepared all time. At Saturday we have match all around Slovenia.

If you are reading this post now, you are thinking that is hard and dificult be in sport, but i have to tell you.. This is the most beautifull thing in my life.. :D

Next time I will tell you more about my results.. I have a long long list and a long long collection of medals...

This my club, my part of life..

Motomehanika s.p.

Another page which was designed by me..

I am working for a company Internetstoritve.com.Take a look..

What I do..Designes? Jup

Here is my last design project for a company from Ljubljana - Slovenia. Design and project is not finished yet.

Hello and something about me!

My name is Mihelj Tomaž and i am 23 years old student from Nova Gorica. I have been studying in Ljubljana for 3 years and i have realized how it is to be a student. Pretty crazy, but i like it.

I meet a lot of new people and i learn a lot of things, like how to live better and enjoy life! :D Now I am studying computer science in Nova Gorica at TŠC collage.

Pozdrav življenu in kjer blog postane osebna izkaznica!

Najprej en lep pozdrav iz moje strani, moje realnosti in življenja kjer sedaj trenutno živim!

Pravzaprav se prvič srečujem z to vrsto življenja, kjer je vse skupaj tako lahko in mamljivo, da se človek sploh ne vpraša, kje si, kaj delaš, kdaj boš čokolino jedel in kolk je ura. Skratka, življenje je tukaj preprosto, skromno, zabavno. Pravzaprav izgubiš vse, kar v realnosti imaš in veljaš. Tukaj si le eden izmed tistih, ki bi radi to vrsto življenja doživeli po svoje in brez nikakršnih zmešnjav, ki se ti lahko seveda zgodijo v realnosti. Torej, tu si lahko zapiram oči realnega, in postanem prava oseba, taka, da se lahko kosam tudi z največjimi,najboljšimi...

Vesel sem, da imamo tako priložnost prav vsi, tudi vi!