Something about Internet ( www, @ ) + me
I started to use internet when I was 17 years old boy. My first touch, click was amazing... there was something big..bigger then me, bigger then my brain.
First I used it in secondary school for taking information (to research information for homework and projects), then I realized, I can do more than this. I opend my first email acount and I used it to write e-mails to my friends around Slovenia..this was easy for me..and everything was life on internet.
Now I can't work, study, have fun without internet. You can get all kind of stuff on it. I think that people are using the Internet more and more. Soo we can't live without it. We must use it, but be careful.
Posted in: writingmatrix on Thursday, 18 October 2007 at at 09:43 2 comments