Hello and something about me!
My name is Mihelj Tomaž and i am 23 years old student from Nova Gorica. I have been studying in Ljubljana for 3 years and i have realized how it is to be a student. Pretty crazy, but i like it.
I meet a lot of new people and i learn a lot of things, like how to live better and enjoy life! :D Now I am studying computer science in Nova Gorica at TŠC collage.
Posted in: writingmatrix on Monday, 8 October 2007 at at 05:12
Student life is wonderful, I agree. We are lucky to live in a country where anyone can attend public university or college programs without having to pay high tuition fees. :-)
That-s great! University life is full of adventures, new friends...I work at a private university and sometimes it-s hard for students to pay their tuition fees on time and as a consecuence they miss some classes... that-s not good.
Keep o shining and blogging!
Hello my schoolfellow from Ljubljana. How are you? I agree with you, when we were in Ljubljana it was pretty crazy, particularly in KMŠ. :)
Hey guy! Someday i saw you in KMŠ in Ljubljana, but now?!?!? WTF? Where is your powerfull and full glass of wine or harder drinks? I hope you return to lj to get some party party party party and be like party animal!
I love Ljubljana and student life there.. :D I tell you enought! KMŠ rullzzzzzz..
I was in Ljubljana for ten years, one month ago I moved from there. I’m still missing this kind of life which I lived there. So free…But I don’t want live there whole my life. Also student life cannot last forever...
I was also often in kmš :)(this photo snaped there :D)
It was the nearest club in a way from students home to the centre for us.
I agree with Andraž :)
Nova Gorica seems so dead… may be I’m wrong…?
Owww 10 years .. this is great .. I love this crazy and fast life in Ljubljana but I am talking now this (I am still young)!:D Did you finish some university there or is still everything opened..??
Ok something about Kmš - klub mariborskih študentow.. I spent there a lot of my time and also a lot of money. This is the best place in Ljubljane for studens I think. Kmš life is a second life in our life. :D And something about your photo .. I know where are you .. :D
You know how stupid are those kmš security-man! They always want to show how important they are! And now people without students’ card can’t go in, because security don’t allowed! I’m sick of this kmš - It lost (forfeited) my esteem!
You ask me about my study in Ljubljana…I still got to write my diploma and I'll be a graduate graphic designer :)